Thursday, December 30, 2010


to anyone who cares to listen, here is my thoughts on what a "relationship", as in boyfriend and girlfriend, should be:

some of you may think i have no room to talk, or some of you may agree with me. but, from my experience and watching and learning from those around me, i have learn't some things.

i believe that a relationship is something not to be taken for granted or that it shouldn't be one-sided. one of the biggest things that cause problems in relationships is jealousy. personally, i think each person in the relationship should TOTALLY be able to have friends of the opposite sex. it helps with advice, and there is NOTHING wrong with friendships. from someone such as myself, who has way more dood friends than chick friends, i would HATE to lose them. BUT, along with that, i believe there should be some respect following that, and i don't mean "rules", i meant what i said, respect. i don't believe you should be one on one with someone of the opposite sex, unless you and your bf/gf have come to terms on how good of friends you and that one person are, and how long ya'll have been friends. there are ways to treat a friend of the opposite sex and there are ways NOT to. i mean, it should be CLEAR who your bf/gf is and who you friend of the opposite sex is; there shouldn't be any question on which is which.

CHEATING: don't EVEN get me started because i could go on for days about how wrong it is. just let me leave it at this: if you're not happy with the person you are with, don't cheat on them, just leave them (in dating, if married, that's another story.) and if something would cause you to cheat, even if you 'didin't mean to', then stay away from whatever would cause you to cheat. cheating is STUPID.

know your boundaries. enough said.

don't spend every second of every day with your significant other. you all need some space, some friend time. don't drop everyone out of your life for one person.

my biggest advice? keep God first in a relationship. if you have that, then EVERYTHING else will fall into place perfectly.

just something i was thinking about.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

build higher walls.

So I'll build my walls higher this time,
Thanks to you, baby.
If I'm not worth the fight,
Then let the war be settled.
Because I have no fight left in me.
My walls came crashing down,
When you sounded the battle cry.
But no worries.
I'll build my walls higher this time.
But no worries.
These walls are no match for my prince,
Who shall set my heart free.