Thursday, April 22, 2010

a simple quote.

'the secret is that you have to really really know that the only difference between you and [a street prostitute] is God’s grace.' -Dave Fiquette

really think about this.. how true it is.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


'i'm a f-a-n-a-t-i-c, fanatic. And I rep Christ till i d-i-e, fanatic. i'm not extreme, i'm redeemed with faith, to serve a God who's extremely great. i'm a fanatic.' -Lecrae

there is something inside me eating me alive. i have a passion for people. i have been ignoring it for a while now, not knowing how to answer to it, or feed it. i now know what it is.. God is moving in my heart. BIG TIME. my emotions are running wild. i want to cry, scream, and share Christ with those in need. people are in deep need of help and Christs love, people. we have got to do something.

'i only fear that there's no time left, to tell the world that there's no time left.' -Group 1 Crew

today, as i was downtown, i realized how many people are truely hungry. america, it's time to get off our 'back sides' and DO SOMETHING, including myself. i won't tell how i realized this, because i feel that would be boasting if i shared the two stories that i have. therefore, just know that I DO KNOW that people in our town are hungry and NEED to be witnessed to. what are we doing? we go to church Sunday mornings and wednesday nights.. but what do we do the other five days a week? we have time for baseball games, football games, work, tv, and everything else.. do we have time to witness?? what happened to that? i speak for myself as well. instead of doing NOTHING, we should be doing what we ARE CALLED TO DO. everyone you meet should see the love of Christ in you. we need to step up the plate people. what i saw today is replaying over and over in my head. do you realize how many people don't even get meals some days?? while we shove food down our throats everytime we get the chance. what are we afraid of? stepping on someones toes? hurting someones feelings? making someone mad? pffff.. we need to GETOVERIT. did Jesus care what people thought of him? NO. if we are supposed to follow in Christ's footsteps, then what are we doing? we ALL (including myself) have a lot to do.

another point i have to make: i was on a TV show. and YES, i said a 'bad word'. i am getting criticized for saying that word and for portraying the character that i did on the show. YOU WANT TO KNOW SOMETHING? instead of criticizing me for cursing and and portraying a pot head, let me shed a little light for ya.. 1. i was ACTING. i was playing someone else, a REAL LIFE STORY. i am not a pot head and can be honest and say that i have never EVER did drugs! HONESTLY. 2. and as for the curse word, I WAS ACTING. do you think a pot head teenager is going to be sweet and innocent? NO. you know, i was asked to say f*$@ on the show, but i REFUSED to say it, and a guy in the show DEFENDED me and told the producers i was NOT going to say that word. THANKYOUVERYMUCH. i do have morals people. come on now. 3. i portrayed a pot head, yes. instead of criticizing me for that, maybe you need a reality check and realize there are REAL people like that in the world, and in our OWN town. how freakin sad is that? i have tears just thinking about it. and what are we doing to help those people? nothing. people sit around and talk smack about them, instead of trying to help them. what the heck? who are WE to cast judgement as Christians? don't put yourself ANY higher than ANYONE. you were once lost, and someone helped you and told you about Christs love. YOU GET OUT THERE AND DO THE SAME. you could be someones only hope in hearing about Christ. stop judging. you have NO right to judge. that is God's job, not yours. when you see someone doing something ungodly, instead of judging them, share the Gospel. it's what you ARE SUPPOSED to do.

*just remember, Romans 2:1 therefore, anyone of you who judges is without excuse.for when you judge another, you condemn yourself, since you, the judge, do the same.

i can't begin to explain what i am feeling inside right now. but i am tired of sitting around, wasting my life, NOT helping other people. i have a sincere love for people, and i want to help. people need us as Chrsitans. my heart goes out to those in need. i am sitting here in tears now.. please, help me everyone. get out there and DO SOMETHING. make a difference. READ THE GREAT COMMISION. we are to make disciples of ALL nations, INCLUDING our own. we ALL, and myself, need to do what we are called to do.

i am not perfect. i am a sinner just like everyone else, in need of my Savior. i just feel God moving in my heart and want to challenge everyone, as i am being challenged by God.

'the gospel hit my heart. i guess that's what they call a heartattack.'

'make disciples of all nations, teach em to obey the Lord. hate to never lead someone to Christ before i face the Lord.' -Lecrae

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

it has been forever, basicaly.

i haven't blogged in a loooooong while.
since the last time i wrote, i have been on a mission trip to new orleans..

i want to move there.

seriously. i fell in love with that place. the different cultures, the people, the sites.. i encountered cultures that i have not ever experienced. those poeple NEED more missionaries there. [i totally agree that other countries need missionaries, but we need to be missionaries to people IN OUR OWN COUNTRY, too.] but, back to my point.. they need open minded people who will just LISTEN to them. yes, we should share the gospel with them, but we need to listen to them as well. we do not have to agree with them, but listen. THEN explain.

*time out*
why don't we as Christians be more open minded? who did Christ hang out with? yes, he surrounded himself with 12 disciples.. but who did he preach to? not the saved. he preached to the lost. LISTEN people.. take the time to listen to people around you. understand where they are coming from, then, if what they believe is NOT what the bible says, tell them about Christ and His love and what he did for you, me, and them, and why what the believe is wrong. don't shove things down their throat. judging people and shoving religion down their throat DOES NOT get them anywhere. so as i said, if someone is not living the life they should be, listen to their side as well, then explain why they are wrong and what God says about things. we as Christians need to STEPITUP! <---- i include myself. WE need to fix this everyone, before it's too late.

*time in*
i went into a voo doo shop while in new orleans, to see what it was like. a lot of people didn't like the idea that i did that. little do some know, i had a talk with the guy working in their about religions and about Christ. i believe he still thought he was right, but i planted just a tee tiny seed, that hopefully will one day blossom. PRAY people. don't look down upon.. PRAY.

anyways, in all this.. i know i want to share Christ's love with people. i enjoy doing it and want to continue. and i can do it every day, every where i go. i don't have to wait until i am placed somewhere to share Christ's love. i can do it at work and everywhere i go.

i am at a very confused stage in my life. between my health, work, and just other things.. i feel so confused. i need to spend more time in God's word. i know he will help me through it, it's just hard.
:( i just need prayer, for i feel i'm at a stopping point, and don't know what to do. i know God has a masterful plan ready for me.. i just need a little push in where to go now..

that's all i have to say for now. i actually could spill TONS more, but for now i am going to leave it at this.

just LISTEN people. you can learn so much that way.

'make disciples of the nations. teach em to obey the Lord. hate to never lead someone to Christ before i face the Lord.' -Lecrae